Trametes lilacinogilva (Berk.) Lloyd
Common name: None.
Description: This fungus forms shelf-like brackets up to 5 cm in width which are tinted lilac to violet-brown. The surface is smooth, dry and zoned in light and dark lilac-brown. The round pores are distinctly lilac-tinted, and there are usually 4 or 5 per square millimetre. The context of the fungus is tough and corky or woody. There is no stem and the caps or brackets grow directly on the wood substrate.
The spores measure 69 × 2.53 µm and are ellipsoid, smooth and colourless, but white in mass.
Substratum: Trametes lilacinogilva occurs on old, especially charred logs on the forest floor. It is generally gregarious and perhaps five or six fruiting bodies may be found at a single location.
Distribution: Occurs throughout Australia.
Notes: According to G.H.Cunningham (1965), Trametes lilacinogilva produces a brown cubical rot in wood. Cubical rots are recognised by the distinctive tendency of the rotting wood to appear tessellated by breaking up into small, soft, cuboid or rectangular chunks.